Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

All of us worry about things like health, money, or family problems. But people with GAD are extremely worried about these and many other things, even when there is little or no reason to worry about them. They are very anxious about just getting through the day. They think things will always go badly. At times, worrying keeps people with GAD from doing everyday tasks.

GAD develops slowly. It often starts during the teen years or young adulthood. Symptoms may get better or worse at different times, and often are worse during times of stress.

Signs and Symptoms of GAD

A person with GAD may:

  • Worry very much about everyday things
  • Have trouble controlling their constant worries
  • Know that they worry much more than they should
  • Not be able to relax
  • Have a hard time concentrating
  • Be easily startled
  • Have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Feel tired all the time
  • Have headaches, muscle aches, stomach aches, or unexplained pains
  • Have a hard time swallowing
  • Tremble or twitch
  • Be irritable, sweat a lot, and feel light-headed or out of breath
  • Have to go to the bathroom a lot.

Treatment Option

GAD is generally treated with psychotherapy, medication, or both.

Psychotherapy. A type of psychotherapy called cognitive behavior therapy is especially useful for treating GAD. It teaches a person different ways of thinking, behaving, and reacting to situations that help him or her feel less anxious and worried.

Medication. Doctors also may prescribe medication to help treat GAD. Two types of medications are commonly used to treat GAD—anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. Anti-anxiety medications are powerful and there are different types. Many types begin working right away, but they generally should not be taken for long periods. Antidepressants are used to treat depression, but they also are helpful for GAD. They may take several weeks to start working.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Dr. Amulya Bharat

Dr.Amulya Bharat is a renowned Neuropsychiatrist in PrashantVihar, Rohini, Delhi. He took M.D. degree in Psychiatry from prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi in 2000.

Afterwards, he did Senior Residency from Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi from 2000 to 2003. After finishing Senior Residency, he worked…

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